Saturday, October 24, 2009

Country Doctor's office

Well now after I bragged about how great the health care is I came across a country Doctor's office on my road. The second picture is the outside of the building as you pass by and the first is a picture of the front door along with the wood bench out front where people wait to get in. But on the other side of it Uefa (the 8 year old) got real sick a couple seeks ago. He vomited and had the runs for a couple days. He got dehydrated and Suda took him to a doctor and then to a clinic/hospital for almost 3 days. They had him on an IV. The total cost of the 3 day hospitalization cost me about $45. along with about $15 for the doctor's visits. He is alive and well today. Ban Don Wai, Udon Thani, Thailand


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