Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Here is the stuff to make a BBQ.  See the pot made from baked clay, probably, and the grill to put on top, the charcoal and the tongs to move the charcoal around but...   The broken sandal is the lighter.  You see that a piece of the sandal has been hacked off the heel.  That is lit and dropped into the charcoal to get it going.  My friend said that her mother just cuts a strip off the back of the sandals she wears everyday.  She can get a few lights from each sandal and still wear them but her heel is on the ground.  What a hoot!  More on the pot:  The top is formed nicely so that a wok or pot can sit on top.  This BBQ pot is used more for cooking soups or frying than actually grilling.  As I said before (see charcoal is a MAJOR source of cooking fuel followed by propane gas and finally electric.  Also they use small tin cans (like a tomato paste can) to make the outer layer of the pot and the handles.  These cans are flattened and formed around the pot and, I suppose, welded into place.

1 comment:

  1. NORMAN - glad to see you are blogging again.... please email me at the baxcave with the best ways to contact you. Crazy to hear about the shooting... hope things settle down soon.
