Sunday, July 26, 2009

Retirement in another country/where is the money?

Since economic circumstances in the US of A have destroyed many retirement accounts then perhaps countries like Mexico, Philippines, Hungary, India and Thailand are options that retirees can consider and make ends meet with what is left of the retirement.
Do you think is is possible that this was all planned by the banks, the Fed and others to remove wealth from the baby boomer generation. Baby boomers have worked all their lives building what looked like a reasonable (perhaps even a little more than reasonable) living after work life to now have it stripped away in a few short months. Where did it go?? Was the money never there? Was it an illusion built up by a few finaciers? I know the work was put in. The effort was made by many to create wealth for retirement but it did seem a little sureal. It did seem that maybe things were going a little too good.
Now we are faced with about 1/2 of what we thought we had. So are places like Mexico and Philippines, etc. viable? You certainly will not get exactly what you would have had in your hometown USA. But it can be an adventure! It is not the same as packing up an RV and heading across country either. One thing you can get is a VERY leasurely life style. For very little money you can hire someone to come in and clean, do the yardwork, the laundry and the cooking. The win win is that the locals appreciate the job. For example a fair wage for a woman doing house work in Thailand could be $120-200 USD per month (full time).
What about rent? You can rent a great apartment for about $300-350 USD per month. I have rented a small 3 bedroom house with only one bedroom airconditioned for $200 per month.
Utilities? Electric $12-20 USD. Water $5 USD or less. TV $12 USD per month. Internet $18 USD.
Food? Your Pad Thai or Thai fried rice that cost $10-12 in the Thai resturant at home is about 60-75 cents here. Food quality is not exceptional but after you find the things you like and where to get them you are all set. The fruit is exceptional and so varied it is a riot of flavors. Watermelons are about 70 cents all cut up. Small pinapple are about 70 cents as well. This makes me hungry. I better get a snack. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Norm. Great insights and good info for U.S. citizens who are thinking of living abroad. I've got friends from Scotland who have now lived in Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. Enjoy Thailand! - Lorraine
