I watch TV. There are 74 channels for my 350b per month (about $10-11
USD). There are a lot of Thai stations but I have
Australian, British, German, Vietnamese, Chinese, Lao,
Italian and many others. It is interesting to watch the news in China. They actually have an English speaking version. Most of the news anchors are Chinese speaking very good English. The thing you notice is that the news cast seems quite normal. It could be ABC news the way that the stories go. A flood here, a fire there, Train wreck, business news etc. It all seems quite normal. The Chinese even report on their "Green" initiatives. For example they have claims of reducing carbon dioxide output by 15% next year, etc. It might as well be ABC! In the USA you see news about Chinese CO2 output on the rise. Here it is going down.
That kind of goes with a story I was watching on
Australian TV about a guy in Syria. He was on a train with many people traveling. They all looked quite middle to upper middle class. Regular people if you will. But the interviews were the same. All of the people interviewed said that Syria was a wonderful place and Syria NEVER caused any troubles and that the US was always causing trouble for them. The US always meddles in Syria's internal affairs. "They always interfere in our country." The "interference" and "meddling" were never truly defined. It was just a general statement. No examples were given. But they ALL admitted that the Americans were better educated and more specialized, etc. and that they really did not want the USA mad at Syria. They mostly said that they wanted "communication" between out countries! They
truly seemed to believe that their country was the good guys and VERY peaceful. They said the US hates Islam but Islamic people are all peaceful and loving peoples and wouldn't hurt a living thing. They believe that!!